Monday, October 15, 2007

Night 8: CrAziNeSs & one down

Today was a bit rougher. I think it will take a couple days to get used to low core sleep. But 4 hours last night was promising. I think tonight I will shoot for 3.5. I'm set to sleep in 2 hours, at 2:00 until 5:30. I'll try to do this so that I can take a nap at 9:15 while keeping nap intervals semi-normal.

Today: nap from 9:30-10:00,nap from 14:00-14:30, nap from 20:20-20:40, nap from 22:50-23:10. Not bad, but the 4th nap was not planned. It was just needed. Might be because of how little sleep I got last night and that adjustment. Oh well. PureDoxyK said something about taking naps when you feel tired. I felt tired, and definitely needed another nap. It's looking like polyphasic straight would definitely drive you crazy for a while. As is, I think it'll take me a couple days if not a week or two to adjust and not feel like crashing here and there throughout the day.

New development in office friends' polyphasic sleeping: Justin B crashed hard this weekend. He had a major reboot of 8-10 hours after being on a straight polyphasic schedule for a week. I think he's decided it's just not worth it. This was his second time trying it out. I'll have a bigger update when I talk to him next; due to my crazy schedule of work and sleep and the fact that I'm in the office from about 19:00-00:00 on the nights I am here, it might be until the weekend before i get to talk to him. I'm looking forward to interviewing Justin!

Ok time to leave the office and go back to my dorm for work on other projects.

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